
The below is an example setting for configuring a Stratus service containing a Base and Business layer.

        "type": "Group",
        "projectionDef":"+proj=tmerc +lat_0=49 +lon_0=-2 +k=0.9996012717 +x_0=400000 +y_0=-100000 +ellps=airy +datum=OSGB36 +units=m +no_defs +nadgrids=ostn02 ",
        "attribution":"(c) Crown Copyright",
        "maxResolution" : 390.625,
        "maxExtent": [531000.0, 161000.0, 631000.0, 261000.0],
        "layers": {
            "Base": {
                "url": "Servername/folder/controller/tiling/gettile? mapcfg=Configuration%20Name&name=Map%20Name &level=${z}&row=${y}&col=${x}&output=image/gif",
            "Business": {
                "order": 1,
                "type": "StratusLayer",
                "url": "Servername/folder/controller/mapping/getmap?layers=/foldername1/foldername2/Layer%20Name&width=${tw}&height=${th}&x=${bx}&y=${by}&zoom=${bw}&srs=EPSG:27700&output=image/png"



this value must be set to "StratusLayer"


This is the base URL for the Stratus service.


Maximum resolution - as configured for your map service.


Refer to Projections page for details.


Refer to Projections page for details.


must be entered as "m", as shown in the example. m = metres.


This is the minimum and maximum northings and eastings that the map covers.

It is specified as a comma separated list of coordinates inside the square brackets as follows: Minimum X,Minimum Y,Maximum X,Maximum Y

The following settings are only required for Stratus Business layers:

"tw" and "th":

These are the tile Width and Height.

"bx" and "by":

These are the coordinates of the tile bounds.


The width of the tile bounds in Map units.