Device Watermark Settings

This page is used to configure how photos are watermarked within ConfirmConnect.
Device Watermark Settings

Enable Device Watermarking of Photos

When checked, ConfirmConnect will watermark all photos that are taken on a device using the expression defined on this settings screen.

Watermark Expression

This field is used to configure a watermark using a combination of static text and/or dynamic expressions that will be calculated at the time of taking a photo in ConfirmConnect. The result will be stamped on the photo as a watermark.

Available Expressions

This list contains all the available expressions that can be added to the Watermark Expression above. Each expression can be added to the watermark expression field by a double-click. Alternatively the expression code can be typed into the watermark expression field manually. Each expression will be evaluated at the time a photo is taken in ConfirmConnect.
Note: Geolocation data can be added to the watermark using the {GeoLocation} expression. This data will be displayed in Latitude/Longitude using Decimal coordinates.

Watermark Opacity

Set the Opacity of the text shown on the image.

Note: Text has a subtle dark border to allow it to be visible on lighter images.


Click the "Preview" button to show an example of how the watermark might look based on the current values in the Watermark Expression field.